- (English) Ikion Eco Boutique hotel listed in 20 best Greek island hotels
- Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Ζοοm in - Zoom out To increase the text size use the settings of your browser. In most browsers, the size increases from the keyboard by pressing Ctrl and + (plus), while decreases with simultaneous pr...
- Ikion Renovation and Rebranding
On September 15, 2010 general renovation work began at the Hotel which completed on mid May 2011. The design and supervision of work undertaken by the Architect Studio and Designers Mr. Christophoros Lazaridis and Partners. The aim is to improve f...
- (English) Certification EN ISO 14001-2004 for Ikion Eco Boutique Hotel
- Classification Ikion Eco Boutique Hotel and cooperation with Green Hotels
GreenHotels is the first network of Greek Eco Hotels. By the term "Eco Hotels" we refer to those hotels which are committed to environmental management and aim at: Water saving Waste reduction Establishing Recycling Polici...